Expert Tutoring for Every Student

Join thousands of students achieving their academic goals

Qualified Tutors

Qualified Tutors

Learn from experienced tutors who excel in their subjects

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Flexible Schedule

Easy to schedule sessions that works for all types of students

Proven Results

Proven Results

See improvement in your grades and understanding

About Us

Aahaan Rathi

President: Aahaan Rathi

Aahaan is a junior at Livingston High School, and has excelled at school and out of the classroom. He has taken AP Physics 1, and got a 5 on the AP Exam, and is now taking AP Physics C: Mechanics. He has also tutored for SAT Math, leading the Tutee to have an 100 point increase in their Math Score. Aahaan plans to continue his love for physics by taking AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism next year, and he also plans to major in Physics in college.

Aayan Shah

Vice President: Aayan Shah

Excelling in Math and Science, Aayan Shah is well versed in Physics and Math. Obtaining a remarkable 5 on the AP Physics 1 exam and having A's in Physics C Mech, Physics 2, and Physics 1, Aayan will fit your needs in the realm of Physics. Moreover, Aayan excels in programming. He achieved Gold in the United States of America Computing Olympiad (USACO) and has a strong interest in Computer Science. He also coded this website. Overall, Aayan is a great asset to the club. His ability to teach in a simplistic and engaging manner will help you excel in Math and Science, allowing you to reach your full potential.

Mayank Tiku

Vice President: Mayank Tiku

Mayank is an exceptional student with a strong academic background in STEM. With a 1570 SAT score, perfect AP scores in Chemistry, Physics 1, and Computer Science A, and straight A's in all science courses, he demonstrates a deep understanding of analytical and technical subjects. His dedication to academic excellence reflects a passion for problem-solving and critical thinking.

John Wei

Animation Head: John Wei

With his dedication to art, John Wei excels in creating engaging and dynamic animations that bring stories to life.

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